First Radiation Treatment

I had my first radiation treatment this afternoon. The position they had me in – with my arms straightened out beside my head – was a bit uncomfortable on my shoulders for those 20 minutes but it wasn’t too bad. I’m scheduled for 15 treatments Mondays through Fridays ending January 18 but that’s tentative and could change.

Breathing is an issue. It’s not really difficult, it’s just that I have to expend energy with each breath and it gets tiring. The radiation oncologist told us today that my breathing should get easier in about two weeks and I’m really looking forward to that!

Tomorrow I’ll see another pulmonary oncologist for a second opinion, and on Wednesday I’ll see my current pulmonary oncologist for all the details of the plan he has me on. Joanie and I are considering going to MD Anderson in Houston for yet another opinion, but we haven’t decided for sure about that yet.

I’m overwhelmed at all the social media messages about prayers being offered for Joanie and me! I can’t tell you how much that means to us. They are deeply, deeply appreciated.


  1. Thanks for the ongoing updates, Ken. What a learning experience this 2020 has provided! Please don't hesitate to let us know if there is absolutely anything you or Joanie would like us to help out with from the mundane to the monumental.

    Jim and Judy

  2. Good news that breathing should get easier - hang in there Ken! Sure wish we lived closer so we could help out.


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